childhood cancer
in the U.S. today.
Saving lives through
the power of music.

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healing through music
When Music Therapy is used in childhood cancer it aims to stimulate communication as well as reduce symptoms associated with treatment such as pain, anxiety, mood disturbance and depression. It can also help children better cope with hospitalization and rehabilitation.
the hard truth about pediatric cancer…

Together, we can make a difference!
who we are
Rocks the Cure is a non-profit organization that uses entertainment and music to raise money for pediatric cancer research, helping to support the special needs of pediatric cancer patients and their families.
what we do
Rocks the Cure raises awareness of pediatric cancer by arranging concerts and music events that feature nationally known recording artists. These events take place at venues throughout the U.S., and afterward, we visit local hospitals to share the healing power of music with pediatric cancer patients and their families.
It’s more than music,
It’s hope.
get involved
If you’re passionate about making a difference in your community, we have many opportunities to get involved with Rocks the Cure.
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Together we can make a difference… DONATE NOW!

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Rocks the Cure, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. All donations are fully tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.
EIN: 47-3269999