Make a Difference in the Life of a Child
Pediatric cancer treatments have made great progress over the past few decades, raising the five-year survival rate of children with cancer to 80%. But there’s so much more we can do with your help. Your gift will provide needed funds to support new research while helping families with pediatric cancer patients cope with this terrible disease.
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where does my money go?
Nobody wants to donate money to an organization that mismanages or misuses their contributions. At Rocks the Cure, we strive to limit our overhead expenses to a maximum of 2.5%. That way, nearly 98 cents of every dollar you contribute will directly support the following:
Pediatric cancer research
Providing for the special needs and expenses, such as nearby housing or unpaid time off from work, for pediatric cancer patients and their families
Toys, clothing and other gifts to children during our celebrity visits to the hospitals
Rocks the Cure is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. All donations are tax-deductible.
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© 2020 Rocks the Cure. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.