what we do

The Healing Power of Music

Rocks the Cure uses music as a means of raising funds and helping children with cancer and their families cope with the disease. When music therapy is used with pediatric cancer patients it can:

Reduce some of the symptoms associated with cancer and its treatment, including pain, anxiety, mood disturbance and depression.

Help children cope better with the difficulties of hospitalization.

Create an atmosphere of play that helps children release tension and encourage self-expression.

Provide emotional support, increase self-esteem, and encourage relaxation.

Music is Stronger Than CAncer

how we do it

Rocks the Cure plans, organizes and stages musical events to raise money for pediatric cancer. These events take place in different cities throughout the U.S., and involve nationally known recording artists in different music genres. Funded by corporate sponsors, donations and ticket sales the events have one primary purpose: to raise awareness of pediatric cancer while providing an evening of fun and music for everyone in attendance – which typically includes a number of pediatric cancer patients and their families.

Here’s something else we do a bit differently – we don’t ask for money during the show. Instead, we take a few moments to explain the importance of supporting pediatric cancer, then we leave it up to you. Our hope is that your hearts will be touched by the music and the message and that you will find your way to our web site to donate to the cause.

taking it to the children

Rocks the Cure plans, organizes and stages musical events to raise money for pediatric cancer.

In coordination with each event, and as the artists are available, we also visit children in the local hospitals to play some music and stage a “celebrity event.” The artists meet the children, sign autographs, and pose for pictures, while Rocks the Cure presents the patients and their families with items ranging from clothing to fun toys for the kids and other special needs. When appropriate, Rocks the Cure also makes financial contributions to the hospital or other research organizations – all of which are funded by your donations.

It costs money to stage the musical events and hospital visits, which is why we need your support. But the smiles on the faces of the children at the events and in the hospitals are priceless!

Please consider making a small donation today.

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© 2020 Rocks the Cure.   We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.

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